Monday, February 27, 2006

This is Zydrunas Ilgauskus

He is a basketball playing zombie with deft touch and no regard for his opponents' lives.

I once watched him rain mad 3 pointers on the Phoenix Suns.

This isn't actually from the weekend, but it is an adequate portrayal of the events of Saturday afternoon/ evening/ night/ Sunday morning... I hadn't seen some of my good OSU friends in like 3 years, but instead of staying somewhat sober I opted to just get absolutely obliterated. I'm pretty sure I didn't make anyone that uncomfortable though.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Sometimes I forget how sweet my band is... but then I listen to our songs and am quickly reminded that yes, we are the best. We are timeless and will outlive Tamagotchi and Monsters in My Pocket. I hope at the green party convention there are some cool hippies that I can befriend.

At worst I will be bored for a few hours and then drink my face off for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I start blogs for college credit

I go to college. In college I use computers. Computers are cool because you can play solitaire without having to shuffle cards. I always win at hearts on the computer at my house. I used to have fire ants at my house they would fight... and eat the spilled honey in the pantry. I like to play Nintendo 64... I am the best at Super Monkey Ball... I can even beat Gene. Today at my house the water meter reader came, he smelled like cigarettes and didn't accept my offer of an energy bar. My dad gets upset when I talk about communism. I try to eat at least 3 pork products a day and at least 4 things that are orange (peaches, oranges, candy corn, etc.). This weekend I am going to the Green Party day I will be president... I am also going to the bar with people from my heyday at Ohio State University. It is conceivable that I will drink too much and make at least one person uncomfortable.